Aislacon group, highly committed with the Mexican community, in March 2017, makes a donation in kind of computer equipment in favor of CRUZ ROJA MEXICANA DELEGACIÓN NUEVO LEÓN (MEXICAN RED CROSS NUEVO LEÓN DELEGATION) with the objective of improving the development of its paramedic students and health and technology brigades.
Autor: admin
Slim Store Campaign
Aislacon Group is strongly committed to being a Socially Responsible Company, carrying out a series of campaigns like the one carried out last April 30th called «Smile Store», which has as objective, motivating our collaborators summing themselves with the donation of any kind of toy, our three branch offices came together (Mty, Gdl, CDMX) and with that, we could surpass the established goal, achieving a grand total of four hundred eighty-nine toys.
Thanks to our collaborators for summing themselves and generating many smiles.
Akumal Sanctuary Foundation Donation
With the objective of keeping the contributions with the environment and community, Aislacon Group made, in November 2020, the contribution of materials in the first frigorific chamber for AKUMAL foundation.
Sanctuary foundation is a support for the well being and care of wild species that have suffered damages by the ecological imbalance and environment, caused mainly by our society.